When we had install Windows versions (Xp, Vista, Windows 7,...) in the first time, I sure that we could not satisfied a Windows Media Player (WMP). This default software can only read some media files as .mp3,... Of courses, we can install Windows Media Classic but I feel it's not seem possible. We want to use some another softwares can replace WMP. I am going to introduce to you two multimedia softwares that I think they are very good and can totally adequate to your needs.
+ Installing easilly.
+ Playing most of media files as .avi, mp4, .mpg, .rmbv, ... If there is a new media file, GOM will autosearch from its servers and suggest you download a extra file. Specially GOM can play a broken video file.
+ The sound and video effects are perfect.
+ Nice interface.
+ Supporting load substitute files as SMI, SRT, RT, SUB,... you can also format fonts of those subs in GOM.
+ There are a lot of advanced effects about audio, video and Burst Capture,...
+ Running best on Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7.
+ This is a power software about multimedia, it is easily installed and can play most of media files without suggesting download as GOM. VLC can play those files after be installed.
+ The sound and video effects are rather perfect.
+ Simple interface.
+ 3 repeat function: No / Repeat one / Repeat list
+ Loading substitute files as SMI, SRT, RT, SUB
+ Advanced effects about audio, video are good.
+ Be a opensource software and can run on most as Windows, Linux, MacOS.
Now let's install them and feel wonders.
Everything success with you.
I agree with you, but i using KMP media player and happy with it.Thanks for your share.