
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

OpenOffice - A new choice replaces Microsoft Office

- What do you need in Office Software?
+ Make a text document, a contract or a ebook.
+ Make a spreadsheet.
+ Make a presentation with slides.
We are familiar with Microsoft Office (MO). Of course, it's a best office software. But I am sure most of us only use basic functions from this software. And we have to pay for a full product of Microsoft Corp.
You are only a normal user, you are managing a small company and you only want to use a software which serve your works at minimal cost. I would like to introduce about OpenOffice, a free software can totally replaces MO.

OpenOffice is a open-source software --> a normal user don't care about this.
OpenOffice can work on Windows, Linux and Mac --> many users care this.
OpenOffice is simple to use and save running costs --> This is main reason that convince you to use OpenOffice.

- Advances:
+ OpenOffice version 2.x have many problems but from version 3.x, this software have been much improved, especially about the interface. This version have also run more smooth.
+ Of course, some operations in OpenOffice are little difference from MO (as creating a Table of Contents, setting up Page Numbers,...), but I am positive most of functions on MO can be made on OpenOffice, even more simple (as with a RClick, you can see a lot of interesting things).
+ OpenOffice can read a MO file (word, excel, powerpoint,...) and MO can read a OpenOffice file if you save this file with formats as .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx,...
+ OpenOffice have so many useful extensions on this page (same add-ons on Firefox).
+ Annual & free updates.
+ OpenOffice have a special thing that can export to a PDF file.

- Disavances:
+ OpenOffice is rather slow to start.
+ A large file take long time to open by OpenOffice, especially MO Format files.
+ There are some problems about displaying tabs in a same file (as .doc, .docx,...) in OpenOffice and MO.

- Desktop Applications on OpenOffice:
+ Writer (same MO Word)
+ Spreadsheet (same MO Excel)
+ Presentation (same MO PowerPoint)
+ Drawing (editing pictures)
+ Database (same MO Access)
+ Formula (special Maths characters)

Everything success with you!

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